How we get and use money

The Nest! foundation has two primary sources of income: donations and subsidies for the projects we organise.
Nest! has an ANBI status with the Dutch tax department.  We are registered under RSIN number 8150.22.827. Tax deductible donations can be made to bank account IBAN: NL57 TRIO 0320 0026 91 BIC: TRIONL2U. Over the years we have been receiving an average of about four thousand euro per year in donations. Please contact us to discuss how your donation can be used to support a cause of your choice inside of our field of work.
In 2007 the Nest! foundation received an award of € 22.000 from the Municipality of Dubai, a large part of which we try to keep as the base capital reserve of the foundation. At the start of 2020 this base capital was € 20.078.
The subsidies we have received in the past were from the Grundtvig programme for Life Long Learning. We participated in 5 Learning Partnerships and organised two Grundtvig Workshops. Project activities have in some instances generated income (mainly conference fees), that were balanced by expenditures in the same project. In total we were able to provide support of over €159.000 to these Grundtvig projects, not counting the budgets the partners in many different countries received for these activities.

In addition to these subsidized activities we are proud to have been able to contribute to our objectives with a total of almost €56.000. This money has been used to support networking and knowledge exchange inside of the Mother Center movement. We supported especially the international network mine as well as Mother Center work in Poland, Nepal, Hungary,  Bulgaria and Serbia.

Our overhead has been very low: between three and four percent because we rely on voluntary work by board members. In 2011 this was more because we gave an average of €467 per person as compensation to board members for their expenses and the voluntary work they put in. Because 96% (€450 per person) of this came back in the form of donations we discontinued this practice. In general it can be said that more work is being done by the Nest! foundation than the numbers show and whatever funds we have we use wisely.
details of the expenditures can be found in the yearly financial reports that are published on the homepage